
How To Log Data In R

When dealing with statistics there are times when data get skewed by having a high concentration at the ane finish and lower values at the other end. These results in a summit towards ane terminate that trails off. One way of dealing with this type of data is to use a logarithmic scale to give information technology a more normal blueprint to the information. You tin can use logarithmic transformation to change the dependent variable and independent variable, and counter any skewed data that may mess with your linear regression, arcsine transformation, geometric hateful, negative value, or other linear relationship in your original data. By doing a logarithmic transformation on your original data distribution, you tin requite it a amend normality assumption, making it an easier linear model to perform whatever statistical test one as transformed data.

Log in R

The basic style of doing a log in R is with the log() function in the format of log(value, base) that returns the logarithm of the value in the base. By default, this office produces a natural logarithm of the value. This will create a meliorate fitted value from your data distribution, helping to remove any skewness and transform the information into a numeric variable regression model that better fits a normal arithmetic hateful, regression analysis, and besprinkle plot. This particular information transformation method is not the simplest, but information technology is ane that creates some of the all-time log transformed data and response variable outcomes of any similar linear transformation, such as a logit transformation, a square root transformation, an arcsine transformation, a reciprocal transformation, or an inverse transformation. There are shortcut variations for base two and base of operations 10.

              # log in r - core syntax > log(nine,3)  [1] 2            

This is the basic logarithm function with ix as the value and 3 as the base. The results are 2 because 9 is the square of three.

              # log in r instance > log(5)  [1] one.609438            

Hither, the second perimeter has been omitted resulting in a base of e producing the natural logarithm of 5.

              # log in R - base 10 log > log(100,10)  [1] 2  > log10(100)  [one] 2            

Hither, we have a comparing of the base of operations 10 logarithm of 100 obtained by the basic logarithm part and by its shortcut. For both cases, the reply is ii because 100 is 10 squared.

              # log in r - base notation > log(eight,ii)  [i] 3  > log2(8)  [1] 3            

Here, we accept a comparing of the base 2 logarithm of viii obtained by the basic logarithm function and by its shortcut. For both cases, the answer is 3 considering 8 is two cubed.

Log transformation

A log transformation is a process of applying a logarithm to information to reduce its skew. This is ordinarily done when the numbers are highly skewed to reduce the skew so the data can be understood easier. Log transformation in R is accomplished by applying the log() function to vector, information-frame or other data set. Before the logarithm is applied, 1 is added to the base value to prevent applying a logarithm to a 0 value. The resulting presentation of the data is less skewed than the original making it easier to empathize.


Doing a log transformation in R on vectors is a simple matter of adding 1 to the vector and so applying the log() role. The result is a new vector that is less skewed than the original.

              # log in R - vector transformation  > v = c(100,10,v,2,ane,0.5,0.1,0.05,0.01,0.001,0.0001)  > q=log(five+1)  > q   [ane] iv.6151205168 2.3978952728 one.7917594692 1.0986122887 0.6931471806 0.4054651081   [seven] 0.0953101798 0.0487901642 0.0099503309 0.0009995003 0.0000999950  > plot(v)  > plot(q)            

A shut look at the numbers above shows that v is more skewed than q. This fact is more evident past the graphs produced from the ii plot functions including this code.

data frame

Log transforming your data in R for a information frame is a little trickier considering getting the log requires separating the information. Taking the log of the entire dataset get you the log of each information betoken. However, you normally need the log from only 1 column of data.

              # log in R instance - data frame cavalcade > ChickWeight$logweight=log(ChickWeight$weight) > head(ChickWeight)    weight Time Chick Nutrition logweight  i     42    0     ane    1  three.737670  two     51    2     ane    1  iii.931826  three     59    4     1    1  iv.077537  iv     64    6     one    1  iv.158883  five     76    8     1    i  4.330733  6     93   10     1    1  four.532599  > plot(caput(ChickWeight$Fourth dimension),head(ChickWeight$logweight))  > plot(caput(ChickWeight$Time),head(ChickWeight$weight))            

As you tin see the pattern for accessing the individual columns information is dataframe$cavalcade. The head() returns a specified number rows from the offset of a dataframe and it has a default value of half dozen. These plot functions graph weight vs time and log weight vs time to illustrate the difference a log transformation makes.

While log functions themselves take numerous uses, in data science, they can be used to format the presentation of data into an understandable pattern. They are handy for reducing the skew in data so that more detail can be seen. In R, they tin can be practical to all sorts of data from uncomplicated numbers, vectors, and even data frames. The usefulness of the log function in R is another reason why R is an excellent tool for information scientific discipline.


How To Log Data In R,


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